Monday, February 16, 2009

U-Blog 3

Today I am blogging about the Instructional Development Cycle. I do think this is a great system for companies to be using today. I think companies are starting to realize this simple concept can give them a gracious return on their investment. However, that does not mean all companies feel this way.

I think some companies feel that good training is a waste of money. They may also want their internal IT team to conduct most of the training. I think what they are failing to realize is the importance of a professional trainer in the workplace. But this again, will cost the company more money which they do not want to spend because they don't believe they will see a return on it.

I kind of see it as to what companies beliefs of "Project Managers" used to be. Companies did not think hiring a Project Manager was worth the money that they cost either. It was not until companies starting seeing how a good Project Manager could greatly contribute to the success of the company, that Project Managers now have a significant role in the workplace.

All in all, companies first have to change their opinion on training in general before they even begin to consider the IDC.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I think that investment in training is a neccessary first step. If your employees are not properly trained then they are less efficent and costing the company money for every hour they are paid.
    Project Managers are a good example of this. They add horizontal structures in the management chain and promote communication within the company. They are very much needed
